Monday, July 9, 2012

I have been away too long!  Since my last post, I have come back from Ames in California, gone to visit family in Illinois, and gone on a vacation with my friends to the beach.  Limited internet access = limited posts.

With less than a week to go, I'm getting amped for this trip!  I will leave Sunday to meet up with the rest of my crew (the first time we've all been together in person instead of on a video conference!) and we will start our preparations for our flight week!

On my way first flight back from California, my ears started popping during the plane's ascension and I had a strange thought:  Are my ears going to be popping like crazy during my time on the Vomit Comet?  There's pretty easy quick fixes for when you are on a plane (yawning, chewing gum, etc.), but I highly doubt chewing gum or repeatedly yawning would be at the forefront of my mind while I'm simultaneously attempting to conduct an experiment, function in microgravity/hypergravity, and desperately praying not to puke.  I thought maybe we would wear earplugs, but then we wouldn't be able to communicate as easily with each other.  Whatever the answer is, I should know within a week!

Now that I am home for a full week before my next trip starts (as opposed to the two hours or two days for the prior trips), I will be more constantly updating my blog with more about what I'm about to experience.  If you haven't already, don't forget to vote on the poll to your right.  Below are a few more pictures from NASA.  The first three are from part of our robotics and engineering day.  The third picture that looks like a basketball court gone awry is actually from the robotics challenge for high schoolers.  More on that later, though.  The fourth, fifth, and sixth pictures are from the world's largest wind tunnel, which we had an amazing tour of as well.  Again, more on that later.  The last picture is my for fun picture.  If you didn't know, NASA actually has a golf course, complete with the NASA meatball logo on all the hole flags.  We played around on it before we left...don't worry, we watched out for golfers  ;)

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