Saturday, June 2, 2012

WOW!  This week has been a crazy week!  Thursday was the last day of school for my kiddos, and saying goodbye to them was so difficult.  I'm really going to miss all 21 of my babies this summer!  Thursday afternoon we had another video conference with our team for the Vomit Comet.  We discussed a little more about the experiements we will be doing. (That's me on the bottom...second from the left)  Also, please ignore the awkward white space around the pictures.  I wanted to get these up quickly, and later on will hopefully find out how to make them go away.

Friday was a work day for the teachers, which basically means we have to clean up a year's worth of school mess and move everything out of the way so the custodians can wax the floors.  In the morning, however, NASA set up a great DLN (Digital Learning Network) for us.  Those of us with kids still in school got to share that opportunity with students.  Even without students, though, it was fun.  And now, some pictures:

This is the guy that lead our DLN.  He answered all our questions and got us some cool pictures and videos to watch.  (Quick message for Piep's Peeps: 8 or 9)

In this picture, you can see the people in microgravity on the Vomit Comet.  In the lower left corner is a picture of what the plane is doing at that point in the flight.  That's angled pretty far down....

Going up!
Going down!

A flame in Earth gravity conditions
A flame in microgravity

This next part is something my kiddos should love.  After our state tests, we made film canister rockets with water and Alka Seltzer tablets.  Well in these next few pictures, they got a ball of water (because with microgravity, water just floats in a blob) a little bit bigger than the Alka Seltzer tablet they added and this is what happened:

All in all, I'd call it a successful few days!

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